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Ann + Brandon: An Engagement Session at Disneyland

Thursday, September 09, 2010

The end of summer craziness is finally calming down, and I am so excited to finally share this engagement session with you!

Ann and Brandon are some seriously cool people. Very chill, super laid back and so easy to joke around with, I knew they were going to be the perfect couple to photograph.
(yeah, I was right.)

This session was made that much more awesome when Ann's son (and now Brandon's son too), Cody, joined us and kept us entertained the entire day.

I was so happy to spend time with this beautiful family!

Ok, I told Bradnon to "touch Ann lovingly", and he turned into Vidal Sassoon.

Yeah, Cody chooses the right. Boo-ya.

Ann, Brandon and Cody: You are such a fabulous couple and we are more than honored you asked us to capture your lovely moments!

You guys are gonna love their wedding images!
(Please be patient, though. We're still working on them.)

Up Next: Liz and Dave's San Diego Wedding

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  1. I love the shot of the ring in the ice cream cone! So clever (:

  2. Sooo cute, great job! They are such a cute couple!


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