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E&E Reception | LDS Cultural Hall Reception | Mickey Mouse Ring

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric and Emily were Sealed and had their reception in the Kansas City, Missouri Temple. Then, on a later day, they had a second reception in Orange County - thats where we came in. 

It was the first time we shot just the reception, but it was super fast and lots of fun.

Oh yeah, Emily has a diamond Mickey Mouse ring. 
I mean, dude. 

click below to view the entire session!

Clinton and Claudia | Disneyland Engagement Session | Disneyland Photographer

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Engagement sessions held in the place where you courted and proposed are always very special and magical, but when that place is Disneyland... oh my goodness.
Clinton and Claudia's fun loving, whimsical and so disneylicious engagement session was nothing but a joy to capture. 

Click below and view the entire session!

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