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The Green Paige Photography’s Economic-Bummer-Super-Exciting-Contest/Giveaway! (TGPPEBSECG)

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Lately it seems like no one has been able to avoid the current economic slump, especially couples planning their nuptials. We completely understand how difficult budgeting for your wedding can be WITHOUT the stress of tough times, so lack of funds can only make things harder and deter from the most amazing, special day of your life. In order to assist couples who deserve more than is financially possible for them (And, quite honestly, what bride DOESN’T deserve a bit more than is financially possible?) we have developed our own stimulus packages to give to 2 very lucky couples!

• Package “B”: a complimentary Engagement session (which includes: two 5x7s, one 8x10 and five full resolution images on CD for your personal printing and reproduction use.)
• Package “A”:
the same as package “B” + 50% off any wedding package.

Ok, here are the rules:

1. In order to enter: send us an email at explaining why you and your fiancé should win! Your reasons don’t necessarily have to be economic ones; it can be because of your fierce love for one another, because you’re both beautiful and attractive people or even because one of you can belch the entire alphabet…the reason can be ANYTHING, just give us one! Along with that email, please include a recent picture of yourself and your fiancé, preferably your favorite recent image of the two of you.
2. In order to be considered: you must be an ENGAGED couple at the time of entry and your wedding date must be on OR before May 31, 2010.
3. You CAN enter another couple (which would be very thoughtful) but the couple must meet the guidelines above, be aware and approve of their entry, and … actually WANT us to shoot their wedding.
4. If you are chosen: you must submit your wedding date within a week of winning so we can hold it for you. If you change your wedding date, we have the option of choosing another winner or retracting the 50% discount. (Because, we will probably have told another Bride and Groom we were unavailable for their wedding due to your booking. If you then change the date not only were we unable to book another wedding, the other couple was unable to book the photographer’s they wanted… so basically, that would really stink.) Also, if you win and decide you’ve changed your mind, you can transfer your “package” to another couple but they must meet the guidelines specified above and understand all rules of TGPPEBSECG (it’s so much fun just to type!) and you must transfer your package within a week of winning.
5. If less than 100 entries are recieved package"B" will be omitted and only package "A" will be given away.

OK! We literally cannot WAIT to read your entries and we will be oh so happy to announce the winning couples on September 16th, 2009, which just happens to be our very own wedding anniversary.


~ PG
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