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Baby Lincoln | The Delivery | Birth Photography | California

Monday, July 16, 2012

Today's post is so special to us.
Late last month, Blake's brother and sister-in-law welcomed their first little baby boy into the world and I was able to capture their preparation and their first moments.

I was so excited. So happy for them and so nervous and so everything. I had been in this "place" not even a year ago and being there with Becky and Quinn brought back my feelings of anticipation and pure joy.

Though Becky's birth experience would be different from mine, in the end we'll both have little perfect Baby Greens. 

The prep room

Love the preggers bed.

Becky was ready for him
Because Baby Lincoln was breech AND an estimated 11lbs, a c-section was scheduled.
(They had great timing though, as Becky was already feeling contractions..)

Daddy Quinn and Becky's mama waited with her before the deliver.
Becky was so calm and relaxed. 

Quinn was excited.
When we arrived at the hospital we asked him how he felt...
He said "like I"m about to throw up."
(he didn't throw up.)

Then, just like that it was time.

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Here he comes!
Bottoms first.

He was so big! 

and so adorable.

He was perfect.

The entire scene was just incredible. 

It was so amazing to be able to be in the room while my little nephew was being born and my sister in was was being a complete rock star. 

Yes, I cried like a fool and I'm already so in love the little dude. 

Quinn and Becky are two seriously inspiring and wonderful people. They are going to make (read: already are) AMAZING parents. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, Paige! These pictures are nuts! This is the first time I really have seen any of this. I think I was the least present person in the room at the time. It was just surreal as I lay there on the operating table watching Quinn's face react to everything and then hearing the baby cry for the first time. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures too!


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