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J+B Wedding | Newport Beach LDS Temple | Cultural Hall Reception

Monday, May 20, 2013

When Julie won our Brides and Buds giveaway, I was so excited! We loved working with her family at her sister's wedding and couldn't wait to see them again.

Julie and Bryant's Engagements were one of my all time favorite sessions. They're the kind of stunning couple who don't realize how beautiful they are, so they're kind of goofy together too. 

Basically they're made of magic and I love them.


M. Family | Portraits | Carbon Canyon | Paige and Blake Photography

Monday, May 06, 2013

The beautiful carbon canyon hiking trail in Brea was the absolute perfect location for these family portraits. And not just any family, I have been blessed to photograph this beautiful family since the twins were only two. 

And even before that I was lucky enough to be their nanny.

Watching these kids grow up has been a joy and I cannot believe how grown up they actually are!
It was tons of fun walking the trail to the redwoods and capturing the moments with this amazing family.

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